Virtual Mandir opening – Tamil New Year 14 April 2020 – Special Homam and Daily Pujas

During this period of home isolation and social distancing, we are pleased to inform you that Sri Vishnu Shiva Mandir, Mawson, has planned to stream online daily pujas for you to view from the comfort of your homes.

The streaming will begin on the auspicious Tamil New Year day – 14th April 2020 – with two special homams:

Morning Ganapathi Homam / Navagraha Homam – 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM and Maha Mangla Arthi
Evening Pooja and Archana– 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM, Maha Mangla Arthi

There will also be special blessings delivered through video to our Mandir community by Swamijis from India, as part of the webcast. Please do turn on your PC/laptop/smartphone, click on Mandir’s You Tube channel, at the designated timings to usher in the New Year at the virtual Mandir!

Devotees may wish to sponsor the homam – sponsorship is $51/homam. Please provide your name, nakshatra and gothram details to Punditji, and make netbank payment as per details provided at the end of this email.


Subsequently on all days, daily pujas from the Mandir will be streamed at these times:

Morning Puja: 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM, followed by bhajans and any discourses till 9:30 AM
Evening Puja: 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM, followed by bhajans and any discourses till 7:30 PM

For any archanas to be performed please contact Punditji with your name, nakshatra and gothram details. Archana payment of $10 can be made by netbank into the Mandir’s account.


Mandir You Tube channelsri vishnu shiva mandir – pooja live streaming
Temple contact no: Landline : 026286 6404, Mob: 0405 075 657

Temple Contact No– Whatsup: 0405 075 657

Online Pooja

Mandir Account details: 

Mandir Public Fund, Commonwealth Bank,
BSB: 062908, 
Account no: 1026 2406,  
Account referenceyour phone no (please provide your mob no as the account reference).

Please subscribe to Mandir’s You Tube channel to get daily updates.

Happy New Year wishes to you all.

Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu.